
Award Winning Media Advertising Firm

We are a team of innovative and creative advertising consultants and public relations experts, with a combination of highly experienced corporate strategists. We put our passion into what we do, the creativity and innovativeness is part and parcel of our true essence. Our goal is to project brand images and products, creating lasting commercial dominance with our creative and impactful concepts. Our love for creativity in communication is rapidly driving us to the peak of excellence.

Our line of advertising and corporate outreach is the innovative and creative expression of what we consider most effective and important for your brand: Achieving the perfect corporate and brand image that subtly impresses. Placing your products and services in front of target clients and customers, and projecting the perception of your brand’s superior qualities that stand far above the rest.

We understand the significance of advertising with exceptional value, hence, our mission is to translate this ability to become a resourceful hub for most effective advertising communication. This results in our Agency being renowned for providing super-quality advertising and public relations services that we totally believe in. We are establishing a culture of excellence by our name, Mei Media.

Our Legacy

Who We Are

Founded in 2012, with a professional Certificate Course with The Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON). The company is incorporated under the Nigerian Companies and Allied Matters Act, 1990. And, it satisfies all legal requirements for its operation, duly registered for taxation and has obtained the Federal Revenue Service’s Tax Identification Number for the purpose of Tax clearance.


Our Goal

To serve the people with accurate information communication services in order to make the world a better place.


What We Do

Our vision is to be a world class media communication company, providing quality, honest and diligent services to our clients as we serve the world with an up-to-date information from divers spheres as a communication umpire.



To track progress through some stationed monitoring mechanisms to ensure not only that what our clients want done is done but also to ensure that they get the value they desire by achieving satisfactory results

Customer Says